Trek the Great Wall of China

The Fostering Network is seeking intrepid explorers and adventure seekers to join us in October 2015 in trekking the Great Wall of China.

By media on November,27th 2014

Let's go with The Fostering Network Wales!

The Fostering Network Wales is to launch Let's Go, which is aimed at improving health and wellbeing, strengthening fostering placements and encouraging children into sport, in early 2015. 

By media on November,26th 2014

Call for support into employment for care leavers in Wales

The Fostering Network in Wales has today submitted a response to the National Assembly’s Enterprise and Business Committee Inquiry on assisting young people into work, and has called for a renewed focus on support into employment for care leavers in Wales.

By media on November,7th 2014

Children’s minister backs educational campaign

Children’s minister in England, Edward Timpson MP, has thrown his support behind a new campaign led by The Fostering Network in partnership with Achievement for All, aimed at improving educational outcomes for London’s fostered children. 

By media on October,29th 2014

Additional support ‘key ingredient’ for academic success

The Fostering Network has today launched this year’s ‘Tick the Box’ campaign, which is urging care experienced young people to access the additional support available to them at university, at the Crescent Arts Centre, Belfast. 

By media on October,27th 2014

Head, Heart, Hands reaches halfway point

As the Head, Heart, Hands programme has reached its halfway point, we are gathering evidence from the participating fostering services about the positive impact that social pedagogy is beginning to have on the lives of children and young people and the foster carers and other professionals who support them. 

By media on October,23rd 2014