"Treasure the little things" - Sons & Daughters blog #10

There are always the good times and bad times, fostering has no exceptions there will always be a tear to shed once a child has gone, may it be tears of joy from the new family or carers or tears of sorrow to have to say goodbye to a loved family member and friend as they leave to somebody else.

But i'm not one to look down at a situation so lets keep a positive mood here. Fostering means a huge deal to me as most of my life has revolved around it. It has defined decisions I had made throughout my life and will continue to as it doesn't just affect the children it affects everyone.

One of my favorite memories came from a 5 year old we had and when I left for school one day they ran outside to me just to say goodbye and later that day when I came in they sat and asked about my day, the result of this is every time I leave the house I make sure I have said goodbye and when I come I always ask people about their day.

The moral is treasure the little things because one day they might be gone.

James, 16