Independent exit interview service / Gwasanaeth cyfweliad ymadael annibynnol

A new project launched by The Fostering Network will offer all foster carers in Wales who leave fostering, the opportunity to take part in an independent exit interview.  

All foster carers at some point will leave their fostering service, therefore capturing the reasons why, as well as their experience of fostering, will provide invaluable information to improve local and national retention practice. Which will ensure foster carers can continue to provide loving, supportive and stable family environments for children and young people. 

Bydd prosiect newydd a lansiwyd gan Y Rhwydwaith Maethu yn cynnig y cyfle i bob gofalwr maeth yng Nghymru sy’n gadael maethu gymryd rhan mewn cyfweliad ymadael annibynnol.  

Bydd pob gofalwr maeth ar ryw adeg yn ymadael â’u gwasanaeth maethu.  Felly, bydd cadw’r rhesymau am hynny, yn ogystal â’u profiad o faethu, yn darparu gwybodaeth amhrisiadwy i wella arferion cadw gafael lleol a chenedlaethol, fydd yn sicrhau y gall gofalwyr maeth barhau i ddarparu amgylcheddau teuluol llawn cariad, cefnogol a sefydlog i blant a phobl ifanc. 

The service will launch on 1 June 2023 and will include foster carers who are terminated of approval from 1 April 2023. An independent exit interview will be offered to foster carers who resign from their service or are terminated of approval. We advise that it follows on from the panel process, with the interview taking place once the panel decision has been ratified. 

The service will focus on mainstream carers from local authority and independent providers. 

Guidance for fostering services on referring carers to The Fostering Network will be provided. This will include information on the ‘opt-out’ option for foster carers; and details of how the independent exit interview is aligned with information shared in respect of Independent Reviewing Mechanism. 

The independent exit interview will be carried out by the project lead who has an excellent understanding of the complexities of fostering, as well as counselling and mediation skills, and experience of collaborating and co-producing with service teams. 

Benefits for fostering services:

  • A free and independent service offered on behalf of The Fostering Network. 
  • An opportunity for foster carers to discuss and reflect on their fostering journey with a skilled worker, with a chance to focus on the positives, especially if experiencing a challenging and emotional process of leaving fostering.  
  • Provide insight into the reasons for foster carers leaving and recommendations to enhance retention, with local reporting available to address localised issues. 
  • Information utilised to inform management reports, annual panel reports; and contribute to inspections to evidence how foster carers are feeding into local practice. 


Benefits for foster carers:

  • An opportunity to have their voice heard and share experience, views and opinions.  
  • Dedicated time to speak with a skilled worker with experience of advocacy, mediation, and counselling, providing a solution focussed ending to what might be an emotional time.  
  • Raise awareness of our active offer of counselling from local authorities, and independent services for those who are members with The Fostering Network.  

Please contact the Project Lead - Jasmin Thorn ( / 07541628352) to find out more information on offering independent exit interviews to foster carers as of 1 June 2023.


Lansir y gwasanaeth ar y 1af o Fehefin, 2023, a bydd yn cynnwys gofalwyr maeth y bydd eu cymeradwyaeth yn dod i ben o’r 1af o Ebrill, 2023. Cynigir cyfweliad ymadawiad annibynnol i ofalwyr maeth sy'n ymddiswyddo o'u gwasanaeth neu y mae'u cymeradwyaeth yn dod i ben. Cynghorwn ei fod yn dod ar ôl y broses banel, gyda’r cyfweliad yn digwydd unwaith y bydd penderfyniad y panel wedi’i gadarnhau. 

Bydd y gwasanaeth yn canolbwyntio ar ofalwyr prif ffrwd o ddarparwyr gwasanaethau awdurdodau lleol ac annibynnol. 

Darperir arweiniad i wasanaethau maethu ynglyn ag atgyfeirio gofalwyr i'r Rhwydwaith. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys gwybodaeth am yr opsiwn ‘eithrio’ i ofalwyr maeth, a manylion am sut y caiff y cyfweliad ymadael annibynnol ei gysoni â gwybodaeth a rannir am Fecanwaith Adolygu Annibynnol. 

Cynhelir y cyfweliad ymadael annibynnol gan arweinydd prosiect medrus sydd â dealltwriaeth ardderchog o gymhlethdodau maethu, yn ogystal â sgiliau cynghori a chyfryngu, a phrofiad o gydweithredu a chydgynhyrchu â thimau’r gwasanaeth. 

Buddion i wasanaethau maethu:

  • Gwasanaeth am ddim ac annibynnol a gynigir ar ran y Rhwydwaith Maethu. 
  • Cyfle i ofalwyr maeth drafod a myfyrio ar eu taith faethu gyda gweithiwr medrus, gyda chyfle i ganolbwyntio ar y pethau cadarnhaol, yn enwedig os profir proses heriol ac emosiynol o adael maethu.  
  • Darparu dirnadaeth o’r rhesymau pam mae gofalwyr maeth yn gadael ac argymhellion i wella cadw gafael, gydag adrodd lleol ar gael i roi sylw i faterion lleoledig.  
  • Defnyddir gwybodaeth i hysbysu adroddiadau rheolwyr, adroddiadau paneli blynyddol, ac i gyfrannu tuag at arolygiadau i roi tystiolaeth o sut mae gofalwyr maeth yn porthi i arferion lleol. 


Buddion i ofalwyr maeth:

  • Cyfle i gael pobl i glywed eu llais a rhannu profiad, safbwyntiau a barnau.   
  • Amser penodedig i siarad â gweithiwr medrus a chanddo brofiad o eiriolaeth, cyfryngu, a chynghori, gan ddarparu diweddglo sy’n canolbwyntio ar atebion i’r hyn a allai fod yn adeg emosiynol.  
  • Codi ymwybyddiaeth o’n cynnig gweithredol o gynghori gan awdurdodau lleol a gwasanaethau annibynnol i’r rheiny sy’n aelodau o’r Rhwydwaith Maethu. 


Cysylltwch, os gwelwch yn dda, ag Arweinydd y Prosiect - Jasmin Thorn ( / 07541628352) i ganfod mwy o wybodaeth am gynnig cyfweliadau ymadael annibynnol i ofalwyr maeth fel o’r 1af o Fehefin, 2023.