Why we campaign

We stand up for fostering, foster families, and fostered children and young people, and we campaign to make foster care better. Together with our members and supporters we’re a powerful catalyst for change, and have been leading the fostering agenda for more than 40 years. We influence and shape fostering policy and practice at every level.

Why we campaign

Foster carers, fostering services, fostered young people and others involved in the fostering sector are all committed to making foster carer the very best it can be. There are issues, however, which mean that outcomes for fostered children are not as good as they ought to be and that’s why we campaign.

Together with our members and supporters, we have a successful history of campaigning to make foster care better. But there is still more to do. We believe that it is now time for UK governments to focus on foster care. It is essential that investment is made in the futures of all looked after children and young people so that we can close the gap between outcomes for this group and those for other young people.

We need you

With your help we can make sure our voices are heard by the people with the power to change things. We need a system that gives every child and young person security and stability in their foster home, recognises the importance of relationships and builds a professional framework around fostering.

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