Foster walk is our annual sponsored walk for fostering held during Foster Care Fortnight. Now in its 11th year, Foster Walk is a great way to get outside, meet new people, fundraise and raise awareness of fostering as you walk with others in the community.
Join us for Foster Walk 2024 with your friends, family, neighbours and colleagues and help make it our biggest walk yet!
Celebrating #FosteringMoments
Join Foster Walk 2024 and walk alongside hundreds of people across the UK during Foster Care Fortnight, 13-26 May.
There are currently 70,000 children and young people living in foster care across the UK. By walking with us, you’ll help raise support and funds for fostering and help make fostering the best it can be. Each year, dozens of Foster Walk events are held at different locations across the country. You can decide on the best date, time, location and distance that works for you and your team.
You can walk with whoever you like – your family, friends, neighbours or colleagues.
This year the theme for Foster Care Fortnight is #FosteringMoments. So, we’d like you to share your Foster Walk moments with us. Take a picture and tag us on social media – it could be of your Foster Walk team, stunning scenery or something unusual you see along the way.

Fundraising together
No matter where you live, how much or little you know about fostering, Foster Walk for everyone. It’s a great way to get involved in Foster Care Fortnight, learn more and spread the word about fostering.
Simply sign up as a household or team, set your own distance challenge (or use those in our challenge packs) and begin planning your walk!
You can raise money over Foster Walk by:
Organising a team challenge with your family, friends, neighbours or colleagues
Setting yourself a target and asking others to donate. This could be 70,000 steps over the fortnight, or if you wanted a bigger challenge, you could walk or 70km over the fortnight – this would be the equivalent of 5km a day
Donating to somebody you know who is taking part through our Just Giving page.
Not sure how to take donations? Set up a Just Giving page here to collect and track donations online.
You can also purchase our limited-edition Foster Walk t-shirts here.