Panel chairs and advisors joint practice forum (England)

We are delighted to invite all current Fostering Panel Chairs and Fostering Panel Advisors across England to a jointly hosted event by CoramBAAF and The Fostering Network.

Our focus for this session is increasing and maintaining panel diversity. Our speaker for this event is Dr. Arlene Weekes.

Start time
End time
Online - zoom

The annual practice forum for Fostering Panel Chairs and Fostering Panel Advisors is being held on 9 November at 9.30am - 12pm, online via Zoom. This event, the first of its kind, is jointly hosted by CoramBAAF and The Fostering Network.

Our breakout discussions for the day are an opportunity to discuss the key challenges, what is working well and what needs to improve in your practice. It is also an opportunity to listen to the experience of Fostering Panel Chairs and Advisors from across the UK.

Unlawful placements (kinship carers) - challenges and achieving best practice, Ann Horne, Kinship Consultant
Mental health of foster carers at assessment and reviews
Independence of panel
Transfer protocol

Our theme for the day is increasing and maintaining panel diversity where we will be listening to Dr. Arlene Weeks and Jim Bond followed by a short Q and A

This event is for Fostering Panel Chairs and Fostering Panel Advisors only

To register please follow the link for joining instructions - CoramBAAF and The Fostering Network | Annual Fostering Panel Chairs and Fostering Panel Advisors practice forum | CoramBAAF

When booking, you will need to select which are preferred breakout groups.

If you have any queries please contact or

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