young person

Young people taking responsibility

Many young people in care feel they have limited say in the decisions that affect their lives and this can have a knock-on effect on their behaviour. Having relinquished responsibility for their actions they no longer hold themselves accountable for the outcome of any negative behaviour. While no one is responsible for the decisions and actions of others we are always responsible for our own decisions and actions, although sometimes we would rather not admit it. Often young people need to have the benefits of taking responsibility for their actions explained to them.
By Cathy Glass on March,3rd 2015

Distorted - By Danielle Kendrick

The Fostering Network occasionally receives poems, pieces of fiction and other work produced by young people in foster care. While we can't publish everything, we did feel that this piece from Danielle showed a maturity in tackling some very big issues. This work does including content and themes which young readers might find distressing. Danielle is only 12 years old, and this is her work of fiction.
By media on July,8th 2014