sons and daughters

"Giving them love and reassurance" - Sons & Daughters blog #5

To me fostering means looking after children that can't live with their parents, grandparents etc at that specific time and giving them the love and reassurance they need to live a happy life ( which every child deserves) until they either go back and live with their family or go to another carer and their family.
By Andy Kirk on October,7th 2013

"I always get very attached" - Sons & Daughters blog #1

I have been fostering for 1 and a half years now, I have had lots of experiences thoughts and feelings through fostering when we received our first child I was really excited I wanted to buy him loads of toys as he was only 3 days old!
By Andy Kirk on October,1st 2013

Unsung heroes of foster care - Sons & Daughters month 2013

Much is made of the amazing qualities foster carers have; and rightly so. To open your home and your heart to a child in need takes patience, perseverance and a great deal of empathy, to name but a few qualities. But it's all too easy to overlook the fact that, in many cases, it's not just the foster carer who opens up their home to a child in need, it's the whole family.
By Andy Kirk on September,30th 2013